
Tattooing is not just about inking the skin. For this work, you need a good mix of artistic understanding, perseverance, organizational skills, sensitivity and, above all, reliability. Enter the world of tattooing or improve your previous work. You will find all the information you need in my book. You will grow with every page and learn how to use motifs, machines, needles and colors correctly. You will learn how to avoid serious mistakes, how to manage your time wisely, how to deal with your customers and how to present your work to the world. In the end, you will be able to open and run your own studio and make a living from it.


Tätowieren bedeutet nicht nur, Farbe in die Haut zu stechen. Für diese Arbeit brauchst du eine gute Mischung aus künstlerischem Verständnis, Ausdauer, Organisationstalent, Feingefühl und vor allem Zuverlässigkeit. Steige ein in die Welt des Tätowierens oder verbessere deine bisherigen Arbeiten. Alle Informationen, die du dazu brauchst, findest du in meinem Buch. Du wächst mit jeder Seite, lernst den richtigen Umgang mit Motiven, Maschinen, Nadeln und Farben. Du lernst, wie du schwerwiegende Fehler vermeidest, wie du deine Zeit sinnvoll einteilst, wie du mit deinen Kunden umgehst und wie du deine Arbeiten der Welt präsentierst. Am Ende bist du in der Lage, dein eigenes Studio zu eröffnen, zu führen und davon zu leben.

Supplement to my book | Ergänzung zu meinem Buch


Anyone who has read my book will certainly remember the chapter on customer types, in which I humorously tried to introduce you to certain people you will probably have to deal with at some point. These included people who can make your life as a tattoo artist more fun, but also more difficult. I would now like to add a guy I call the sneaky customer, who you should beware of. Of course, you should be aware of your skills as a tattoo artist and assess your work objectively to avoid falling for these people.

This customer is usually friendly, confident and nods off everything you suggest surprisingly quickly. They want to get the tattoo or cover-up done quickly and are extremely grateful for your great work. The finished design, which you have photographed and presented to him, is also met with nothing but enthusiasm. Apparently satisfied, the customer leaves your workplace and you are happy because you have made someone happy again.

NOTE to the material list | HINWEIS zur Materialliste

englischeflaggeI noticed that sometimes there are problems with the links in in my material list. If a link leads to an empty page, this product has been removed from the range. This has nothing to do with the functionality of my homepage.

deutscheflaggeMir ist aufgefallen, dass es manchmal Probleme mit den Links in in meiner Materialliste gibt. Sollte ein Link auf eine leere Seite führen, so wurde dieses Produkt aus dem Sortiment entfernt. Dies hat nichts mit der Funktionsfähigkeit meiner Homepage zu tun.

It is time to say THANK YOU | Es ist an der Zeit DANKE zu sagen

deutscheflaggeIn 2019, I threw my tattoo book on the market without anticipating how much headwind I was to receive. Everywhere the book appeared, the reactions were negative and the first reviews were a disaster. I had to be insulted as a liar, a traitor and a bad tattoo artist. On top of that, things were written about me that were hard to beat for ridiculousness. I would only celebrate myself in my book or merely profile my lifestyle.

He only wants to become rich and famous, was another absurd statement. I congratulate someone who manages to become rich with a book with awe. In addition, there were accusations of plagiarism, that is, that I had stolen parts of the content from other books. My idea of helping aspiring tattoo artists, or at least encouraging them in their endeavors, was nipped in the bud. So I deleted all channels, in all social networks, because I had no desire to bother with keyboard Rambos who are only out to make you bad. One or the other knows how terrible people can be, who lull themselves into security through their anonymity in the worldwide web. Likewise, I scrapped planned video posts and articles on my homepage that were supposed to help newbies get started and backed off.